Whether you have years of work experience or you just graduated, there’s a job opportunity for you at Nestlé. Search for jobs here.
To enter, simply purchase one (1) pack of MILO® 400g between August 18th, and September 25th, 2017. Then visit nestle.tt/promo and enter your contact and receipt details. You must keep your original receipt to be presented if chosen as a winner. Your receipt details must match the information entered in your form.
Your child qualifies for a chance to win a trip for 4 to Barcelona to see FC Barcelona play live at Camp Nou! The 4 persons include the child and three family members (this can include the child’s friends, close family friends, coaches etc).
This promotion runs from August 18th to September 25th, 2017. To enter this promotion, your one (1) pack of MILO® 400g must be purchased between these dates and your entry form submitted between these dates.
1 child will be selected on September 26th, 2017. The child and 3 family members that will accompany him/her must all be available for travel at any in October, and must all have valid United States Travel Visas at the time of travel.
Winners will be contacted by a Nestlé® Representative using the contact information provided with their entry form. Winners will also be announced on the MILO Caribbean Facebook Page.
Receipts/Invoices are ONLY valid if dated within the promotional period August 18th and September 25th, 2017. Your receipt/invoice must clearly show that one (1) MILO® 400g pack was purchased. Your receipt details must match the information entered in your form
One (1) entry = One (1) Receipt. You can only enter once with one receipt, even if more than one (1) MILO® 400g pack has been purchased and is shown on that receipt.
You may enter multiple times once you have separate receipts, with each receipt showing at least one (1) MILO® 400g pack has been purchased on each. Duplicate entries using the same receipt with be disqualified.
This promotion is valid for residents of Trinidad and Tobago only.
You can use any electronic device – computer, laptop, tablet, mobile – to enter. Just go to nestle.tt/promo to enter.
For more information, visit the MILO Caribbean Facebook Page, our website, or call 800-NEST to speak to one of our Representatives.