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Dairy Development Programme

Our commitment: create a new foundation for a sustainable dairy farm business in Trinidad and Tobago.

Nestlé’s Dairy Development Programme aims to create a sustainable future for dairy farm businesses in Trinidad and Tobago. Nestlé has been committed to the dairy industry since the inception of the State Lands Development Project by the late Dr. Eric Williams in 1962. Since then our commitment has been adapted to respond to the trends and advancements in the dairy industry.

The dairy industry is a significant aspect of our operations at Nestlé. We collect 100% fresh cows’ milk daily from 150 local farmers across Trinidad and Tobago to make products like UHT Milks and Green Butterfly. Therefore, we want to ensure that our local farmers get support in implementing modern and sustainable solutions. Our programme has four pillars that help us achieve our goal:

The Forage & Feeding Project

A lack of good quality forage and affordable supplemental feed for dairy animals has led to poor farm efficiencies and limited growth of the Dairy Farm business in Trinidad and Tobago.

The Forage & Feeding Project

So Nestlé has sought to improve the quality of forage through three projects: the Mulato Grass Project, the Supplemental Feed Project and the Corn Silage Project. The Mulato Grass Project was initiated in 2006 and it helps farmers establish new pastures with this improved grass. The Supplemental Feed Project was undertaken in partnership with National Feed Mills, establishing a 16% Dairy Ration for suppliers to Nestlé’s factory. Our latest project launched in 2018, Corn Silage Project, helps farmers reduce the cost of feeding at the farm level, also improving cow productivity and milk quality. These three projects have increased cow productivity and significantly reduce the amount of feed used to produce of milk. Resulting in direct on-farm savings which have increased farmers’ productivity and profitability!

The Fertility Project

Nestlé’s Fertility Project aims to help farmers better manage the lactation and reproductive cycles of their animals. Nestlé collaborates with the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of the West Indies to provide farmers with improved heat detection capabilities, artificial insemination, early pregnancy diagnosis and other veterinary services to ensure reproductive health and year-round sustainable milk production. These interventions have been able to reduce the average calving interval from 514 days to 476 days!

The Fertility Project


The Health Project

Nestlé’s Health Project uses new electronic surveillance methods to monitor Sub-clinical Mastitis, which can reduce milk productivity by 10-15%. The aim of this project is to achieve a 50% reduction in the incidence of Sub-clinical Mastitis on farms in a 12-18 month period.

The Health Project


The Farm Management Project

Nestlé’s Agricultural Services Department works closely with farmers to implement improved farm management tools and techniques. We help farmers with data collection, analysis and feedback for short-and medium-term planning. Farmers receive a detailed monthly report highlighting Key Performance Indicators over a 4-month period, which shows them the true profitability of their operations and highlights high costs and inefficiencies. This is ultimately done so that the farmer can track their herd and have better financial management.