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Our response to COVID-19

During this unprecedented time, our purpose of enhancing quality of life and contributing to a healthier future is now more important than ever. From our supply chain, to our factories, and right through to your homes, we’re working around the clock to ensure that we continue to meet the nutritional needs of your families during this difficult time.

We are also mobilizing substantial local relief efforts in the communities where we operate. Building on these efforts, we have joined forces internationally with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Some of our ongoing efforts:

Covid Efforts

Garfene Grandison, General Manager, Nestle Jamaica Health and Wellness Foundation (right) alongside Ockino Petrie, Director of the Nestle Foundation (left) handover JMD 220 thousand in Nestlé products for the UWI Needy Students Initiative to Gabriela Morris, Vice President of Services and Special Projects for the University of the West Indies, Mona Guild of Students.

Covid Efforts

Nestlé Trinidad and Tobago essential workers prepare TTD 75 thousand product donations to support to the North Central Regional Health Authority (Caura & Couva Hospitals) frontline workers

Covid Efforts

Nestlé Jamaica Country Manager Daniel Caron (Left) delivers JMD 350 thousand in Nescafé and Coffee mate care packages for the Jamaica Constabulary Force to Minister of National Security, the Honourable Horace Chang

Covid Efforts - Product Donations

Over TTD 80 thousand in product donations are loaded onto trucks, headed to the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Social Development and Family Services to be distributed to those most vulnerable.

Covid Efforts

Garfene Grandison, General Manager of the Nestle Jamaica Health and Wellness Foundation stops by NGO Eve for Life with an assortment of Nestlé products for the ladies and Children who are living with or at risk of HIV to support proper nourishment during the COVID-19 crisis.

Covid Efforts

Sanitation station constructed outside of our Nestlé Jamaica Head Office

People are at the heart of our business. Therefore, the health and safety of our employees, business partners and the communities where we operate is extremely important for us. We are working very hard to keep them healthy, safe and supported.

Together with our supply chain, distribution and retail partners, we are working to ensure that much-needed food and beverage products are available throughout the Caribbean. Our people are fully committed and are working tirelessly to ensure that supply is maintained.

For the last 105 years, our consumers, employees, business partners and communities have relied on us during the most challenging times. And today, we're right there with you in fighting this significant global challenge with flexibility, resilience, courage, and a caring heart.

Every single employee at Nestlé is committed and working hard to ensure that food continues to be available for our consumers as well as to strongly support our society, especially those who are most affected by this pandemicPatricio Torres, Market Head Anglo Dutch Caribbean Region

Our actions include:

Keeping our employees healthy, safe and supported

  • In addition to our normal strict hygiene standards, putting in place additional safety measures in our factories, offices and distribution centers in Jamaica and Trinidad
  • Providing sanitation kits to all customer and consumer facing employees and merchandisers,
    including masks and sanitizers
  • Encouraging office-based employees to work from home whenever possible, providing tips on working from home, and online training for people managers on how to lead virtually and during a crisis
  • Offering access to compassionate emergency loans and salary advances for all staff
  • Providing meal subsides to all employees in the frontline, transport* for staff who use public transport and must come to work, to help reduce the risk they fall ill, and gifts of product hampers in appreciation for their continued efforts
  • Offering virtual medical consultations, online counselling services, and virtual fitness programme towards supporting physical and mental health
  • Providing parents with the flexibility to manage their family responsibilities and their role.
  • Asking our employees worldwide not to travel internationally for business purposes.

*Implemented at Valsayn site.

Helping with local relief efforts


  • Supporting the Jamaica Constabulary Force with JMD 350,000+ in Nescafé and Coffee mate care packages as they carry out duties under the curfew period, as well as providing 6000 ready to drink beverages in partnership with Restaurants Associates Limited
  • Providing JMD 220,000+ in product donations to the UWI Mona Guild of Students for the UWI Needy Student Initiative  
  • Providing JMD 1.5 million+ in production donations to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and to residents of the Bull Bay community that were under quarantine through Member of Parliament for East Rural St. Andrew, Juliet Holness

Trinidad & Tobago

  • Providing support to the North Central Regional Health Authority (Caura & Couva Hospitals) frontline workers in the fight against this pandemic, donating TTD 75,000+ of Orchard juices, NutriGo Shakes and Coffee-mate creamers.
  • Donating TTD 15,000 in Trix Cereal, Orchard Juices and MILO to Living Water Community, in their support of Mercy Home, Marian House, Cancer Hospice, New Life Ministries, Ministry to Asylum Seekers/Refugees, Food Bank for Single Mothers, Caring Centre and Halfway House
  • Providing TTD 80,000+ in product donations to the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Social Development and Family Services to be distributed to those most vulnerable.

Joining forces with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

  • Donating TTD 525 thousand (CHF 75,000) to the Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society to support training and PPE for volunteers, psychosocial support hotlines and establishment of call center, purchase of equipment for ambulance, Ambulance transport for the sick, health education campaign and support the distribution of food parcels to vulnerable families
  • Donating JMD 10.7 million (CHF 75,000) to the Jamaica Red Cross to support training and PPE for volunteers, equipment and repairs for ambulances, website upgrade, health education campaign and support the distribution of food packages and care packages to vulnerable families
  • Matching 1:1 any donations to the Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies or Federation made by our employees.