After children understand their body and the functions of their different body parts, they can graduate, to understanding how they should take care of it.
Personal hygiene helps children build a strong foundation to lead a healthy life, because it protects them from germs and bacteria that can compromise their health. It not only prepares them to be healthy adults, it also helps them to develop discipline when they establish a hygiene routine. This discipline can be applied to other aspects of their life, like their education or any extracurricular activity. So, it’s important that we take time to guide them on the proper techniques so that they can grow up to be clean and healthy adults. Showing them what to do and explaining why they should do it, helps them to connect and appreciate their bodies. Below are three main areas that kids can master as you help them perfect a hygiene routine. Each has explanations and tips that will help them be proficient and excited.
1) Washing hands
Teaching children to wash their hands is one of the most effective things you can do to safe guard their health. Every day they encounter different surfaces as they play, learn and grow. These surfaces may have germs that can be transmitted to their hands, which can then enter their bodies.
This occurs because they use their hands to touch their nose, eyes and mouth which are common gateways for bacteria to enter the body. If they know when and how to wash their hands, they can protect themselves from contracting a communicable disease.
Teach them that they should always use soap to wash their hands. They should vigorously rub the soap on their hands and between their fingers for 20 seconds so that they can kill the germs. Read more on proper hand washing technique here.
2) Brushing teeth
Brushing your teeth is one of the most efficient ways to protect your teeth and gums. It prevents your teeth from decaying and prevents your gums from getting a disease. Ensuring that kids have mastered their oral health by brushing their teeth at least twice a day, sets them up to have a life full of smiles and laughter.
3) Taking a shower
Daily showers help children to avoid infections, germs and developing odours, because it helps to remove dirt from the body. We know that they have action filled days. A shower is the best way to get them clean and ready for new adventures. It’s even a great way to get your child stimulated as they start the day or relaxed as they end it.
Below you can download 4 exercises to do with kids on personal hygiene. They can be printed or used in your favourite art or drawing app.
Exercise 1 – Keeping yourself Clean and Healthy
Exercise 2 – Cleaning Tools For Your Body
Exercise 3 – Taking Care of Your Hands
Exercise 4 – When Do I Wash My Hands?
Exercise 5 – Before and After
Exercise 6 – My body’s signs and signals for water
Exercise 7 – Let's conserve water
Exercise 8 – Drink water even when you are not thirsty
Exercise 1 – Keeping yourself Clean and Healthy
Exercise 2 – Cleaning Tools For Your Body
Exercise 3 – Taking Care of Your Hands
Exercise 4 – When Do I Wash My Hands?
Exercise 5 – Before and After
Exercise 6 – My body’s signs and signals for water
Exercise 8 – Drink water even when you are not thirsty