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I love my body

7 printable activities and 10 fun facts to teach kids about their bodies
I love my body

We each have one amazing body that helps us to enjoy the beauties of life. Our bodies allow us to run, jump, skip or even sit. So, it’s very important that we respect our body. We can help nurture this respect in children, beginning with teaching them to describe and understand all the wonderful features of their body.

When we know about each body part and its purpose, we can build a deeper appreciation, resulting in better care and treatment of our body parts. They all have varying responsibilities and we have a responsibility too. A responsibility to take care of it so that it can take care of us. We want you to shout from the rooftops “I love my body, and this is why!”

When teaching kids how their internal and external body parts work together to give us a healthy and happy life, here are 10 body facts that you can share, helping them feel confident and proud about the body they have.

  1. Head: Your head contains your brain, which controls the rest of your body, for example, your coordination, thought and memory
  2. Neck: Your neck holds up your head and control its movement
  3. Ears: Your ears are made for hearing and the fluid in them helps to keep you balanced, so you don’t fall down
  4. Liver:  Your liver stores and controls chemicals in your body
  5. Kidney: Your kidney removes waste products from the blood
  6. Tongue: Your tongue helps you to chew and swallow and also helps you talk and sing. Interestingly, it’s the strongest muscle in your body
  7. Skin: Your skin is the largest organ of the body that gives us our sense of touch and it acts as a protective barrier for our body
  8. Teeth: Your teeth help you to grind up food when you are eating, so that your body can easily absorb nutrients
  9. Eyes: Your eyes help you to see the beauty in the world. They have special bodyguards to keep dust and sweat away from your eyes, which are your eyebrows and eyelashes!
  10. Heart: Your heart helps to pump blood throughout the body

Below you can download 3 exercises for kids on internal and external body parts. They can be printed or used in your favourite art or drawing app.



Exercise 1 – Label external body parts
Exercise 2 – Label internal body parts
Exercise 3 – Word Search
Exercise 4 – Taking care of my body
Exercise 5 – What would you like people to say about you
Exercise 6 – I have only one body and I love it
Exercise 7 – Know your body signals

Exercise 1 – Label external body parts
Exercise 2 – Label internal body parts
Exercise 3 – Word Search
Exercise 4 – Taking care of my body
Exercise 5 – What would you like people to say about you
Exercise 7 – Know your body signals