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Live Well for Your Planet and Your Health!

Sasha Bernard
Live Well for Your Planet and Your Health!

Today we join the World Health Organization in celebrating World Health Day! This year’s theme, “Our Planet, Our Health” is truly relevant to the world we live in today, particularly as we are called upon to remember the relationship that exists between our personal health and the health of planet Earth.  

We are facing many challenges, a pandemic, climate change, pollution, and so much more. Sometimes, it can seem very overwhelming. The question is, what can we, as individuals on a planet of more than 8 billion people, do to protect our planet and our health? Don’t be intimidated. You are not alone- you have more power than you think, and every little bit counts! Let me suggest three simple things you can do right now, that will make a genuine difference to the health of our planet and our people. 

1. Support Local Farmers: Supporting local not only benefits our farmers, but it also benefits the environment! As much as possible, buy your fresh fruit, vegetables, and your eggs from local producers. The produce you buy will have a much shorter distance from the farm to you which usually means using less fuel, with less greenhouse gases emitted. Additionally, you might be surprised by how much eating local foods can contribute to a healthier diet! Finally, always read your food labels and nutrition facts to see where products come from, what they contain and how they were manufactured. If you do decide to test your green thumb, remember that your body will also be happy — gardening is a great form of exercise! 

2. Reuse to Sustain: You’ve probably heard all about the Three Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. But have you heard of upcycling? To upcycle is to recycle or reuse something in a way that actually increases the original object's value. When we find ways to upcycle, we generate less waste for our landfills. And you know what? Your mental health can also benefit from upcycling! It provides a creative outlet and refuge from stress, which can help reduce anxiety, improve your mood, and increase happiness! So, instead of throwing out those tetra pak cartons, use them to start an indoor kitchen garden! And the glass bottle from your Maggi Green Seasoning? Turn it into a beautiful vase or use it to store water! 

3. Reduce Food Waste: Not only will the environment thank you, but your wallet will as well! Composting food scraps is a fantastic idea, especially if you have your own garden. However, there are some other steps that you can take to reduce your food waste. Before you cook, measure your portion sizes based on how many servings you want so that you prepare just the right amount. Don’t be afraid to get creative with leftovers, it’s easy to make them into a brand-new meal!  

These are just three simple ideas, I’m sure you can think of many more. Together let’s do what we can to create a healthier tomorrow for our planet, for ourselves and for generations to come!