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Nesquik Powder
Nesquik Chocolate Syrup

Nesquik has been fueling toddlers, teens and grown-ups with a variety of nutritious options and irresistible flavours. It’s recognized as the brand that provides great taste and nutrition. All ingredients are perfectly balanced causing your body and taste buds to hop with excitement.

Discover the pleasure of Nesquik in any of its forms. There is Nesquik Powder, Nesquik Syrup and Nesquik Ready-to-Drink, giving you happiness you can’t buy but happiness that you can drink.

  • Nesquik Powder turns milk into an irresistibly delicious, nutritious drink for your family.
  • Nesquik Syrup gives milk or ice cream for an irresistible flavour sensation.
  • Nesquik Ready-to-Drink helps you 'Pack a happier lunchbox' or simply grab, go and enjoy.

Nesquik is the fun way to drink more milk!