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Tips for sticking to your resolutions


It's 2019! Many of us struggle with sticking to New Year’s resolutions. Here are some tips to help you with starting or maintaining habits for a happy, healthy, you!

Resolution Tip 1: Find out what motivates you! For every goal, there's a motivation... So when the going gets tough, it’s time to tap into what inspired you in the first place.


Resolution Tip 2: Pick 1 Goal! You are more likely to succeed in reaching your goals if all your energy is focused on achieving one goal, so why not just pick one thing to change? After you reach that goal…then you can start with Goal #2!


Resolution Tip 3: Create milestones! Set more realistic goals through milestones. Instead of aiming to lose 30lbs, try 30 lbs over a period of time, example 3 months, and aim for 10 lbs each month. Setting milestones gives a sense of working towards a bigger goal while still making progress.


Resolution Tip 4: Be positive! 
It's easy to be positive when things are going well, but remember to encourage yourself and surround yourself with positive vibes (people, quotes and thoughts) when you start to feel discouraged.


Resolution Tip 5: Plan Mini Rewards Plan mini rewards for milestones! Don't we all like presents? Give yourself a mini prize to work towards for achieving a milestone. Encouragement sweetens labour.


Resolution Tip 6: Identify negative patterns. It's easy to do what we have always done - running on autopilot…but some of our patterns may be preventing us from becoming our best selves. How about doing a self-assessment and taking steps to kiss negative patterns goodbye!