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UNSTOPPABLE KIDS – Nestlé Summer Camp 2019

Our Nestlé One Day Camp takes place at the Nestlé Sports Club on our compound in Valsayn, Corner of Churchill Roosevelt Highway and Uriah Butler Highway.

Children strictly between the ages of 6-11 years old are invited to participate.

Each child must bring 4 empty packs of 200-ml ORCHARD of MILO Tetra packs and their signed permission form available here (link to PDF of waiver and agreement). Children must also wear closed toe shoes (preferably sneakers, and they will be participating in games and activities)

Note: If a child does not have their signed form, they will not be allowed to participate.

Yes, children need to bring their own lunch. Children will be provided light refreshment throughout the day.

Recycling, hydration, exercise, portion control and more will be explored through fun and interactive activities such as treasure hunts, obstacle races, family feud, craft corner, healthy heroes and plate building. A certificate of participation will be awarded at the end of the day.