Whether you have years of work experience or you just graduated, there’s a job opportunity for you at Nestlé. Search for jobs here.
Scam emails and fake Nestlé campaigns and promotions
There are fraudulent e-mails and fake campaigns circulating on the internet from people pretending to represent Nestlé.
Some emails claim that you have won a competition, or will receive a special prize. Others encourage you to apply for non-existent jobs at Nestlé. In other cases, fraudsters provide actual job contracts with false signatures from members of our executive board. In return the requester asks you to provide your personal details, and in some cases, money. We are also aware of fake or compromised LinkedIn profiles, created for the same purpose.
These are hoaxes. Please ignore any request to send your personal details. We would never operate in this way.
If you have received or are aware of this type of communication and have concerns, please report it to us via [email protected]. This will allow us to pursue potential legal options against fraudsters.
Update December 2019 – Fake Christmas Hamper Promotion
A fake promotion is currently circulating online claiming to be a Nestlé Christmas Promotion, stating “Nestlé gives 1000 Christmas Baskets with 50 products each one.”
This is NOT A VALID Nestlé Caribbean Promotion. We advise that you do not click on this link if received. Valid promotions are shared on our Nestlé Caribbean social media pages or website.
Update September 2019 - Fake Nestlé job interview letter
A fake letter is circulating online claiming to be from Nestlé’s Head of Human Resources. It invites people to attend interviews for positions at Nestlé in the United States and requests that candidates share personal details and pay money to secure the right to an interview.
The information is false, and we encourage anyone who reads the letter to disregard it. Nestlé is working to identify the source of this letter and to remove it. Nestlé will never request payment to secure a job interview.
If you have received or are aware of this type of communication and have concerns, please report it to us via [email protected].