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Nestlé Cops Two Awards from TT Supermarkets Association

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In the midst of one of the most challenging years in its long history in Trinidad and Tobago, Nestlé has won two prestigious awards from the Supermarket Association of Trinidad and Tobago: The Supplier in Excellence (Large Category) Award and the Innovator of the Year Award. 

SATT Award

Left to Right: Keri Bailey - Nestlé Trinidad and Tobago Sales Manager, Patricio Torres – Head of Market Nestlé Anglo Dutch Caribbean Region, Senator the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon- Minister of Trade and Industry and Enterprise Development, and Elisa Doldron - Business Executive Officer for Dairy, Juices and RTD Beverages Nestlé Anglo Dutch Caribbean Region, stand together as Nestlé receives the Supplier in Excellence (Large Category) Award  


The Supplier in Excellence (Large Category) Award recognises Nestlé for outstanding performance throughout 2020 based on parameters including timely delivery of goods and absence of shortages, the company’s damage policy, its effective merchandising and sales promotion, its payment policy and suggested retail margins. 

The Innovator of the Year Award 2020 covers areas such as environmental responsibility and the creation of positive social goods for consumers and socially responsible products. This Award takes note of Nestlé’s 2020 launch of sustainably sourced paper straws across its entire range of ready-to-drink juice and dairy products, an innovation which has eliminated approximately 45 million plastic straws from the environment. 

Keri Bailey, Sales Manager- Nestlé Trinidad and Tobago, expressed gratitude for the awards, also noting, “We would like to congratulate the supermarket owners, who have done an amazing job prioritizing customer safety in these unprecedented times. You are the true winners, and we give you every assurance that we will continue to provide you with robust partnership.”

The Supermarkets Association Innovator Award also took note of Nestlé’s ability to pivot during COVID-19. In this instance, supply chain management was key for the company. As an essential service during the pandemic, Nestlé worked hand in hand with its distribution and retail partners in the supply chain —including supermarkets big and small— to ensure that much-needed food and beverage products remained consistently available throughout the country. 

Expressing Nestlé’s appreciation for the Awards on behalf of the Nestlé team, Patricio Torres, Market Head of the Anglo Dutch Caribbean Region said, “For the last 105 years, our consumers, employees, business partners and communities have relied on us during the most challenging times. In 2020, our employees in the factory, logistics and support functions proved more than ever, that they are fully committed to our purpose and reason for being. Every day, we are working to unlock the power of food amidst this significant global challenge with a focus on what is best for our consumers, our customers and the society.”