Water is the main component of the body of all living things. It is the most important element for life after the air we breathe. Water accounts for two thirds of our body weight and is so important that a person can be up to two months without eating, but just less than a week without water. Let us remember that many of the organics functions (for example, digestion or breathing) use a significant amount of water, that all body fluids contain water, and that it regulates the body temperature.
Also, drinking plenty of water is the best treatment for fluid retention. The body interprets the lack of water like a threat to survival and begins to store every drop. This manifests with swollen feet, legs and hands.
Water helps maintain proper muscle tone and does it by giving muscles their natural ability to contract and by preventing dehydration. It also helps to prevent loose skin after a major weight loss.
Helps eliminate toxins. During weight loss the body needs to eliminate more toxins, all the metabolized fat must be eliminated. Appropriate amounts of water will help eliminate these toxins and byproducts. In addition, the kidneys cannot function properly without enough water.
Relieves constipation. When the body receives very little water, it gets the amount you need from internal sources. The colon is a primary source. The result is constipation. But when a person drinks enough water, usually normal bowel function returns.
A person needs 2 liters of water per day. If you are overweight, you need one additional glass for every 12 kg of excess weight. And you need to increase the amount of water intake if you exercise or if it is hot or the air is very dry.
When the body receives all the water it needs for an optimum operation, its fluids are in a perfect balance. The function of the endocrine gland improves. Fluid retention is alleviated since the stored water is eliminated. More fat is used as fuel because the liver is unoccupied to metabolize stored fat. Natural thirst returns and therefore there is a loss of hunger almost overnight.
If you stop drinking enough water, your body fluids will be out of balance again, and you may experience unexplained weight gain and loss of thirst. But drinking water in excess is not healthy either; it interferes in the maintenance of a proper balance of electrolytes in the body. If you lose too much sodium or potassium, which is what happens when we urinate frequently because of drinking too much water, this balance may be lost.