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Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries reviews Nestlé’s Investment in Local Dairy Industry

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Valsayn, Trinidad and Tobago

Nestlé welcomed Senator the Honourable Clarence Rambharat, Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries for an official visit to the company’s Valsayn Headquarters on Friday November 10, 2017. The Minister met with Head of Market, Patricio Torres and other members of the Nestlé team.

High on the agenda was a review of Nestlé’s ongoing investment in the local dairy industry and the company’s partnership with farmers to develop sustainable and profitable milk production on local farms. Over the last five years, Nestlé has invested $2 million in farm to factory initiatives for the local dairy industry through the Nestlé Dairy Development Programme. The company will invest an additional $3 million in the industry between now and 2020.

Nestlé’s dairy development initiatives range from free artificial insemination services, pregnancy diagnosis and the monitoring of Sub-Clinical Mastitis in dairy cattle, to a special Mulato Grass programme to improve the quality of forage. The company also invests directly in dairy infrastructure.

Patricio Torres, Head of Market and Sen. Hon Clarence Rambarath, Minsiter of Food Production Land and Fisheries

“Nestlé has a 103-year history in Trinidad and Tobago and has been manufacturing here for 58 years,” said Mr. Torres, “In fact, our history in the milk manufacturing business began when Dr. Eric Williams asked us to help develop the dairy industry in this country. That is a legacy of which we are very proud.”

The Honourable Minister was very receptive to the plan of action outlined by Nestlé and was confident that the initiative would see the increased production of local fresh milk in the market in the next few years. “I have been meeting with the dairy farmers regularly over the past months and I can assure you that these initiatives will be very well received by the industry. The Ministry is very supportive of these measures.” said the Minister.