Nestlé today reported (pdf, 19Mb) on its compliance with its policy and procedures implementing the WHO International Code on the responsible marketing of breastmilk substitutes (the WHO Code), based on audits and monitoring undertaken in 2019. The company recognizes the need to continuously improve and has taken steps to further increase transparency, reporting publicly on challenges, cases of non-compliance as well as corrective actions.
Leanne Geale, Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Governance and Compliance, said: "Transparency is a fundamental element of trust. Being transparent with our stakeholders is the basis for honest dialogue and accountability".
The report highlights that when cases of non-compliance are discovered, the practices are immediately stopped and the necessary actions are taken to address them. Nestlé acknowledges the need to continuously train its employees and distributor staff on the importance of implementing the WHO Code. Also, interactions with the healthcare system and healthcare workers remains an area of vigilance where the company has published its policies and controls.
Nestlé takes compliance with the WHO Code very seriously. It relies on a comprehensive compliance and governance model that allows the company to apply the rules consistently across all the countries in which it operates.
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