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Nestlé Jamaica Health and Wellness Foundation adopts Duhaney Park Recreational Park

Jamaica Labour Day
Jamaica Labour Day

To mark Labour Day in Jamaica, employees in Nestlé Jamaica were up at sunrise to participate in the upgrade of the Duhaney Park Recreational Park facilities. The Nestlé Jamaica Health and Wellness Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation to install playground equipment for a Children’s area, paint walls in and around the children’s area, install the Nestlé Jamaica Health and Wellness Foundation “Five Healthy Habits” Mural and plant trees throughout the Park. Under the MOU, the Nestlé Jamaica Health and Wellness Foundation will adopt the Duhaney Park Recreational Park for a three-year period.

Participating in the day’s upgrade activities, Kingston Mayor Delroy Williams said “Nestlé has joined us as a partner, and we are quite welcoming of that. They have been doing some very interesting work here at the park, and they will continue to do so.” MP for St. Andrew Western, George Anthony Hylton stated, “Nestlé’s investment in this park, Duhaney Park, is one of the best gifts I’ve seen since I’ve been in this constituency.” 
Nestlé Jamaica Country Manager Daniel Caron explained, “Our employees are passionate about donating their time and talents to support activities that focus on helping to care for individuals and families, for our communities and for our planet. Through activities like this one, we are able to live our Nestlé Purpose and Values; having a positive impact in society and also supporting our employee’s passions through volunteering.” 

The Nestlé Jamaica Health and Wellness Foundation is a non-profit organization, whose vision is to be recognized as Jamaica’s leading socially responsible company focused on Nutrition, Health and Wellness. 

With this three-year project, Nestlé Jamaica is able to contribute to their ambitions to help children lead healthier lives, improve livelihoods in communities, and strive for zero environmental impact. The Foundation’s primary responsibility is to deliver Nestlé’s global Purpose. 

Volunteers split into several groups - some painted, some planted trees, some prepared the playground for the equipment while others installed signs with messages along the walk path such as “Get in Your Workout”, “Drink More Water” and “Let’s Keep our Community Clean”!

Jamaica Labour Day

At the end of it all, the mural was completed in a kaleidoscope of eye-catching colours bringing life to the park.  Children enjoyed the newly installed swing set and overall the park invited residents to spend time together - exercising, playing or just enjoying each other’s company. Garfene Grandison, General Manager of the Nestlé Jamaica Health and Wellness Foundation stated, “It was a hard day’s work, but it was a labour of love”!

Jamaica Labour Day