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Our commitment: helping you improve your nutrition, health, and wellness- It’s what we live for as a company!

At Nestlé we aim to enhance your quality of life by offering tastier and healthier food and beverages, along with information and services to help you make healthy choices for a happy life!
Nestlé understands that finding the right balance of nutrition, good health and wellness can be a challenge, and we aim to be your partner along the road to having a healthy lifestyle. That’s why Nestlé has undertaken a wide range of activities and special projects in Trinidad and Tobago to teach consumers what they need to know about nutrition, health and wellness!
Our CSV Initiatives:
The Healthy Kids Programme
Nestlé ADCR’s Healthy Kids Programme epitomises our commitment to nutrition, health and wellness! Launched in 2011 in Trinidad and Tobago and endorsed in Jamaica by the Ministry of Education, this three to six year primary school programme teaches children how to live a healthy lifestyle through a combination of nutrition education and regular physical activity. In 2017, the program was executed in 23 schools in Trinidad and Jamaica, and will be executed in 28 schools in 2018.
Wellness on Wheels (#WOW)
Our Wellness on Wheels Caravan embodies our commitment to helping people make healthy choices for a happy life. This special mobile unit is on the road all year-round throughout Trinidad and Tobago and offers a variety of helpful services and useful information to help you take control of your health. This year, the caravan will be visiting 14 schools in Trinidad and 1 school in Tobago, teaching and showing kids how to plan a healthy plate (portion guidance), the Caribbean’s 6 food groups, reinforcing the importance of physical activity and packing a healthy lunch kit. In Jamaica, the Wellness Mobile Unit will be visiting 13 schools with the se nutrition and physical activity messages.
Nestlé Summer Camp and Nestlé Schools Wellness Fiesta
In Jamaica, the Nestlé Schools Wellness Fiesta, launched in 2010 has been a day of fun activities where thousands of school aged children along with their teachers and the wider public learn about the importance of nutrition, health and wellness as a part of a healthy lifestyle.
In Trinidad and Tobago, Nestlé’s Summer Camp has been a highlight of school vacation for kids between the ages of 6-12. Over the last 20 years, thousands of children have come out to enjoy themselves for these one-day outings at Nestlé’ where they learn how to lead a healthy lifestyle.
MILO® Energy Zone
The MILO® Energy Zone is a programme executed in primary level schools in Jamaica, which focuses on the role that good nutrition and physical activity play in supporting the health of growing children. The activities of the programme are done on a grade by grade basis and include a nutrition talk (covering guidelines for building a balanced breakfast, benefits of a balanced breakfast and the global guideline for physical activity for children), a fun physical activity session followed by a sample of MILO® and interactive educational material reinforcing the content of talk for parents/caregivers to do with the children at home. Execution of the programme at each school requires that Nestlé receives authorization from the school and signing of consent forms by the parents/guardians of participating students. The MEZ programme reached 8393 students in 2017.
The MILO® PTA Talk is a programme aimed at informing parents of the role that a balanced breakfast and regular physical activity play in supporting the cognitive and physical development of children. In seeking to support parents with the knowledge to help shape their children’s nutrition and physical activity habits, the MILO® PTA talks provides guidance to parents via a ten (10) minute presentation supported by an educational booklet for additional reading. The programme was launched in 2017 and reached 1862 parents.
MILO® Sports Nutrition and Lifestyle Clinic
The MILO® Sports Nutrition and Lifestyle Clinic is a nutrition based education programme designed to support coaches and athletes with knowledge and skills to support athletes’ optimal sport performance. Key educational elements of the programme include lectures by a Sports Nutritionist / Nutritionist on nutrition for optimal performance to coaches and students, lectures from a physiotherapist / sports psychologist and motivational speeches from a Past Elite Athlete/ Coach/ Lifestyle Coach, along with sessions on topics of concern or current interest to athletes.
Start your healthy lifestyle with our Nutrition, Health & Wellness Tips