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Ryan Bandoo, Promotional Coordinator

I began my Nestlé career in an Intern position in the Nutrition department in June 2014, straight out of university. From the get go, I got the opportunity to be involved in value added projects to begin my career development and not just duties others found less important. After a few months, I was successful in exceeding my performance objectives and as a result the company was able to expose me to additional projects.

A major motivational factor is that I got the opportunity to see the results of my hard work in the organization and at the retailers. My line manager exposed me to the Nestlé Nutrition way and really prepared me for the opportunity of my current role. I strongly believe my 6 month internship helped me become more mature professionally and personally exposing me to real-world responsibilities that I would not have been taught in a classroom.

I am very excited to accompany the Head of the Regional Nutrition Team in two regional market visits to evaluate the opportunities available to help ensure Nestlé remains the leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company in the world. I want to create a better world and build a better business.
Ryan Bandoo, Promotional Coordinator, Nutrition
Date started: Jan 2015 | Age: 22