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Nestlé in Society

At Nestlé, quality goes well beyond the product itself. Throughout the world and across Nestlé brands, we’re involved in a broad range of social and environmental initiatives that together make quite a difference.

Actually, it’s how we’ve always done business at Nestlé and is part of what we call Creating Shared Value. For us, caring about the wellbeing of others and the environment is integral to our promise of improving the quality of life through good food and beverages everywhere. Our commitment to great tasting, healthier and trusted products has, and always will be, tied to our respect for the environment and the people we work with including the farmers who supply us raw ingredients and the communities where we operate.

With a focus on Nutrition, Water and Rural Development, we work to source, manufacture and package our products in socially-responsible and environmentally-sustainable ways - giving consumers even more reasons to trust and enjoy Nestlé products.

Nutrition: As the world’s leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company, we believe that the future lies in helping people eat a healthier diet. Whether it is addressing vitamin and mineral deficiencies at one end of the spectrum, or obesity at the other, we are committed to help people everywhere through improved nutrition and understanding.

Water and the environment: Our ambition is to produce tasty and nutritious food and beverages that also have the lowest environmental footprint. We use scientific life cycle assessments to help determine where we can improve the environmental performance of our products including the agricultural phase (working with farmers), and the consumption and post-consumption phases (helping consumers to prepare foods and dispose of packaging in environmentally-responsible ways). We continually work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, eliminate waste and improve our packaging.

Rural development: Agriculture employs over one-third of the world’s working population; three-quarters of the world’s poor people live in rural areas. Nestlé's rural development programs benefit more than 680,000 farmers and contribute to improved farming practices, improved environmental stewardship and enhanced quality of life in farming communities.