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What is Nestlé doing about climate change?

How is Nestlé accelerating your action to tackle climate change?

Climate change is one of the biggest threats to society, and to the future of our business. It will affect water availability and biodiversity, but also the quantity and quality of food grown. We are running out of time to avoid the worst effects of global warming. This is why Nestlé is setting a bolder ambition to reach a net zero future.

We are accelerating our climate change efforts by announcing that we will achieve zero net emissions by 2050. By doing so, Nestlé is embracing the most ambitious aim of the Paris Agreement to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.


How will your achieve your zero net emissions ambition by 2050?

Over the next two years, we will lay out a plan with interim targets consistent with the 1.5C path. Some of Nestlé’s specific actions to achieve our ambition include:

  • Speeding-up the transformation of its products in line with consumer trends and choices. We will launch more products that have a better environmental footprint and contribute to a balanced diet, including more plant-based food and beverage options. Nestlé will also reformulate its products using more climate-friendly ingredients, and it is moving to alternative packaging materials.
  • Scaling-up initiatives in agriculture to absorb more carbon. By strengthening programs with farmers to restore land and limit greenhouse gas emissions. This includes improved management of its dairy supply chain. Nestlé will step up efforts to protect forests by replanting trees and enhancing biodiversity. All to help build resilient agricultural communities.
  • Using 100% renewable electricity in our factories, warehouses, logistics and offices. A third of Nestlé factories (143) are already using 100% renewable electricity. Nestlé will continue to increase the use of energy from renewable sources, enabling suppliers to invest in new infrastructure such as wind and solar farms.


What does ‘zero net’ emissions actually mean?

Achieving a balance between emissions and removals for all greenhouse gases within a company’s value chain over a specific time period. Avoided emissions and offsets are not counted as part of the commitment.


What was Nestlé doing to tackle climate change before your 2050 commitment?

Our commitment build on a decade of work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, aligned over the last four years with science-based targets to keep the temperature increase below 2C.

Since 2014, the reduction of greenhouse gases across our value chain is equivalent to taking 1.2 million cars off the road.

Over the past ten years we’ve halved the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our factories per kilo of product.

We are committed to lowering the GHG emissions associated with the production and distribution of our food and beverages, by improving energy efficiency, using cleaner fuels and investing in renewable sources.

For example: switching from long-distance road transportation to rail or short-sea shipping in Europe, opting for wind power to supply energy to our factories in Mexico, and installing wood-fired boilers at some of our factories in France.

We’ve also stepped-up our efforts to ensure responsible sourcing of raw materials and made significant progress towards our zero deforestation. In 2013, we adopted the Nestlé commitment on climate change as an appendix to our Nestlé Policy on Environmental Sustainability.


Will Nestlé continue to advocate for wider climate action?

Yes, we will continue its advocacy for government policies to ensure all sectors move faster towards 1.5°C. Limiting global warming to 1.5°C requires transformational change across industries, governments and society as a whole. Supportive legislation could help to reduce barriers to expanding renewable energy markets, incentivize innovation in agriculture and forestry to capture more carbon, and help to establish carbon pricing.

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